
最新双语语料库下载 | 中美签署第一阶段经贸协议+关于中美经贸摩擦的事实与中方立场+中美经贸磋商中方立场白皮书

新华社 北极光翻译 2023-11-03









中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协议ECONOMIC AND TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA序 言PREAMBLE中华人民共和国政府与美利坚合众国政府(以下合称“双方”),认识到双边经贸关系的重要性;认识到贸易增长和遵循国际规范、以促进基于市场的成果,符合两国的利益;深信和谐发展、扩大全球贸易和促进更广泛国际合作可带来的益处;承认双方提出的现有贸易和投资关切;认识到以尽可能建设性的、快速的方式解决现有和未来贸易与投资关切是可取的,达成以下协议:The Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America (collectively the “Parties”), RECOGNIZING the importance of their bilateral economic and trade relationship; REALIZING that it is in the interests of both countries that trade grow and that there is adherence to international norms so as to promote market-based outcomes; CONVINCED of the benefits of contributing to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade and providing a catalyst to broader international cooperation; ACKNOWLEDGING the existing trade and investment concerns that have been identified by the Parties; and RECOGNIZING the desirability of resolving existing and any future trade and investment concerns as constructively and expeditiously as possible, HAVE AGREED as follows:第一章 知识产权CHAPTER 1 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY第一节 一般义务Section A: General Obligations美国认识到知识产权保护的重要性。The United States recognizes the importance of intellectual property protection.中国正从重要知识产权消费国转变为重要知识产权生产国,中国认识到,建立和实施知识产权保护和执行的全面法律体系的重要性。China recognizes the importance of establishing and implementing a comprehensive legal system of intellectual property protection and enforcement as it transforms from a major intellectual property consumer to a major intellectual property producer.中国认为,不断加强知识产权保护和执法,有利于建设创新型国家,发展创新型企业,推动经济高质量发展。China believes that enhancing intellectual property protection and enforcement is in the interest of building an innovative country, growing innovation-driven enterprises, and promoting high quality economic growth.第1.1条中国与美国为此确认承诺有关知识产权第一节至第十一节的条款。第1.2条双方应确保公平、充分、有效的知识产权保护和执法。Article 1.1: China and the United States hereby affirm that they undertake provisions with respect to intellectual property, as set forth in Sections A through K. Article 1.2: The Parties shall ensure fair, adequate, and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.对于依赖知识产权保护的一方个人,对方应确保为其提供公平、平等的市场准入。Each Party shall ensure fair and equitable market access to persons of the other Party that rely upon intellectual property protection.第二节 商业秘密和保密商务信息Section B: Trade Secrets and Confidential Business Information美国重视商业秘密保护。The United States emphasizes trade secret protection.中国认为保护商业秘密是优化营商环境的核心要素之一。China regards trade secret protection as a core element of optimizing the business environment.双方同意,确保对商业秘密和保密商务信息1-2的有效保护,以及对侵犯上述信息1行为的有效执法。The Parties agree to ensure effective protection for trade secrets and confidential business information and effective enforcement against the misappropriation of such information.第1.3条 侵犯商业秘密责任人的范围Article 1.3: Scope of Actors Liable for Trade Secret Misappropriation一、双方应确保所有自然人和法人均可承担侵犯商业秘密的法律责任。1. The Parties shall ensure that all natural or legal persons can be subject to liability for trade secret misappropriation.双方同意,保密商务信息是涉及或与如下情况相关的信息:任何自然人或法人的商业秘密、流程、经营、作品风格或设备,或生产、商业交易,或物流、客户信息、库存,或收入、利润、损失或费用的金额或来源,或其他具备商业价值的信息,且披露上述信息可能 对持有该信息的自然人或法人的竞争地位造成极大损害。The Parties agree that the term “confidential business information” concerns or relates to the trade secrets, processes, operations, style of works, or apparatus, or to the production, business transactions, or logistics, customer information, inventories, or amount or source of any income, profits, losses, or expenditures of any person, natural or legal, or other information of commercial value, the disclosure of which is likely to have the effect of causing substantial harm to the competitive position of such person from which the information was obtained.二、中国应将侵犯商业秘密的“经营者”定义为包括所有自然人、组织和法人。2. China shall define “operators” in trade secret misappropriation to include all natural persons, groups of persons, and legal persons.三、美国确认,美国现行措施给予与本条款规定内容同等的待遇。3. The United States affirms that existing U.S. measures afford treatment equivalent to that provided for in this Article.第1.4条 构成侵犯商业秘密的禁止行为范围一、双方应确保,侵犯商业秘密被追究责任的禁止行为,其范围完全涵盖盗窃商业秘密的方式。Article 1.4: Scope of Prohibited Acts Constituting Trade Secret Misappropriation 1. The Parties shall ensure that the scope of prohibited acts subject to liability for trade secret misappropriation provides full coverage for methods of trade secret theft.二、中国应列出构成侵犯商业秘密的其他行为,尤其是:(一)电子入侵;(二)违反或诱导违反不披露秘密信息或意图保密的信息的义务;(三)对于在有义务保护商业秘密不被披露或有义务限制使用商业秘密的情形下获得的商业秘密,未经授权予以披露或使用。2. China shall enumerate additional acts constituting trade secret misappropriation, especially: (a) electronic intrusions; (b) breach or inducement of a breach of duty not to disclose information that is secret or intended to be kept secret; and (c) unauthorized disclosure or use that occurs after the acquisition of a trade secret under circumstances giving rise to a duty to protect the trade secret from disclosure or to limit the use of the trade secret.










